This is the fourth edition in the Scale Model Handbook series, dedicated once again to modelling miniature figures. The book was published onschedule, three months after the third edition. Figure Modelling 4, like the other three editions, covers a variety of themes andhistorical periods. The contents include seven unique themes that have been presented in a detailed way.
Herein, youll find how to paint commercial miniature figures using acrylics, oils or enamels, make groundwork and scenery for presentation. Everything is contributed by well-known miniaturists that we are sure will inspire you and, we hope, keep you occupied for many hours.
In this book weve introduced a fantasy article based on a bust made by Riga Model some time ago, which unfortunately is now unavailable, as the company ceased production and closed down. Despite this we took the decision to include this unique article by Aleksander Michelotti, as it explains a lot about constructing and painting techniques that otherwise we wouldnt have had the opportunity to enjoy. In most cases these techniques can be used for historical figures as well as fantasy. Im sure that most of you will agree with me, but please let me know by e-mail to your opinions, which are very important to me. The feedback will help us improve our product so that we have more satisfied readers.
The favourable reception and excellent reviews of the first three books gave us strength and encouragement to try even harder for the future editions in the Scale Model Handbook series. We will endeavor do our best to bring useful and accessible books for the modelling community, whom we must heartily thank for their support on this project.
Thanks are due to Grigoris Marmatakis, Aleksander Michelotti, Ernesto Reyes Stalhuth and Kazufumi Tomori for sharing their work with us in Figure Modelling 4. Special thanks must go to Pietro Balloni, Luca Marcetti, Massimo Pasquali and Ken Jones.
I would like to dedicate this book to my friend Charles Davis who was a big supporter of my publishing efforts and who sadly is no longer with us. Charles was one of the founders of Euro Militaire, the biggest military modelling show in Europe. He will be alive in our books, our models and in our hearts.
To Charles!
Stelios Demiras
Editor / Publisher
4 Boudicca,Queen of the Iceni - Pegaso Models 75mm (75-033)
12 TheBarbarians - Vignette of two Pegaso Models Figures 75mm(75-024,75-083)
16 AshigaruWarrior - Pegaso Models 75mm (75-079)
19 MongolianArcher - Pegaso Models 75mm (75-087)
22 Wehrmachtschützeim Feldanzug, 1939 - Pegaso Models 90mm (90-044)
32 WaffenSS MG42 Gunner - PMC Miniatures 200mm (PMC -9001)
42 Uruk-Hai- Riga Miniatures 200mm (discontinued)
A4 Format
52 Pages
Matt Laminated Cover
FIGURE MODELLING 4 This is the fourth edition in the Scale Model Handbook series, dedicated once again...