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How To Guides Volume 2
Techniques for Modelling in Detail WWII Scale Models
Creating & Painting High Quality WWII Dioramas, Vignettes, Figures & Busts

We have recently completed this second book in the new series of “How to Guides” resulting in this volume… It’s the 56th Scale Model Handbook we’ve published to date.

We’re very excited about this new series of books that cover the many techniques need to make better models! We cover a lot of the popular subjects in this great hobby of scale modelling, and in this second volume we have six Master Artists showing how to create and paint high quality WW2 dioramas, vignettes, figures and busts, revealing all their secrets on how they accomplished such great works! There are six chapters herein, where you’ll find all the necessary information for the preparation, assembly, painting and weathering of the most popular WW2 scale categories, using the latest techniques and tools. On offer are six themes; five are in great detail with a lot of step-by-step pictures, and one has “In Progress” photos.

We welcome a new American master artist, Andy Gulden, who compiled the First Chapter of the book with his astonishing diorama of a late Second World War Panzer IV in a scenic setting on a base with an accompanying six figures that he has updated and modified to fit onto the tank. Andy succeeded to accomplish the very tired looks on the figures’ faces, as the scene took place in 1945…at the end of World War Two. The detailed article covers 16 pages and comprises 43 photos (37 “Step-By-Step” and six “In Progress”) focusing mainly on painting and weathering the tank, and also some on constructing the base. Detailed mixes have been included for painting the figures with oils for the faces and acrylics for the uniforms.

The well-known Belgian master artist Lieven Terryn presents his perfectly painted 1/35 scale Sturmmann of ‘Kampfgruppe Hansen’ at Poteau using mostly oils, taking up six pages in Chapter Two. The detailed text, along with the excellent photos of the finished figure includes 10 “In-Progress” images revealing all the necessary information to paint a similar figure in detail.

Another well-known artist Toshihiro Sano wrote the Third Chapter, which is all about painting German WWII Waffen SS camouflage clothing patterns and equipment using enamels. This six-page, detailed article consists of 40 highly detailed photos, 34 “Step-By-Step”, and all the necessary information for painting two Waffen SS Grenadiers in 1/35 scale.

In the Fourth Chapter we welcome a new Italian well-known master artist, Roberto Del Cima, who reveals his secrets in painting an awesome large-scale bust of a WW2 Red Army Female Sniper using acrylics. This is covered in 10 pages with 46 highly detailed photos, with 43 of them “Step-By-Step”.

Featured in the Fifth Chapter is a small Step-By-Step diorama by the master modeller Theodosis Giannakidis, who was inspired from a similar classical diorama he saw published a long time ago in “The Verlinden Way” Volume 2. Theodosis explains in detail his approach for this beautiful diorama presenting all the necessary information for its assembly, construction, painting and weathering. The eight-page feature has a detailed text and 28 pictures, 21 of which are “Step-By-Step” so the reader, if he wishes, can easily follow the whole procedure and create a similar winter diorama.

In the Sixth and final chapter Christos Katselos is another of our well-known master artists and a regular contributor to Mr Black Publications, who explains in detail how to paint an Italian camouflage pattern on a 1/16 scale full figure. This final chapter covers 15 pages and the article consists of 60 detailed photos, 52 of them are “Step-by-Step”, with detailed captions and painting mixes for all elements of the figure.

A big thank you must go to all of our contributors and great artists in this book… Andy Gulden, Lieven Terryn, Toshihiro Sano, Christos Katselos, Roberto Del Cima and Theodosis Giannakidis for giving us the opportunity to publish their works and share their secrets.

Special thanks are also due, in no particular order, to Pietro Balloni, Luca Marchetti, Alex Vallejo, Darren Parker-Mead, Man Jin Kim, Fernando Vallejo, Taesung Harmms, Radek Pituch, Young B. Song, Dae-Hyeong Kim, Ju Won Jung, Paul Ondeck, Paul Clarke, Sang-Eon Lee, Yannis Papadopoulos and last, but not least Ken Jones our English Text Editor.

We hope you enjoy our latest edition!
Stelios Demiras
Editor /Publisher


4 Chapter I - “Endkampf, 1945”
Building and Painting a Late War Panzer IV as a Centre Piece for a compact diorama – 50mm (1/35)

20 Chapter II – Sturmmann of Kampfgruppe Hansen at Poteau 18th December 1944

Painting a 1/35 Standard Figure in Oil Colours – 50mm (1/35)

26 Chapter III - Waffen SS Grenadiers of 5 SS Panzer Division Under fire In Poland 1944
“Step-By-Step” Painting German World War Two Camouflage Clothing Patterns and Equipment Using Enamels – 50mm (1/35)

32 Chapter IV - World War Two Red Army Female Sniper
How to Paint a Large Scale Bust of a Russian Female Sniper using a variety of Acrylics Paints, an airbrush and brushes – 180mm (1/10)

42 Chapter V – “Ready to Start Firing” Eastern Front 1943
Building a diorama featuring a Nebelwerfer Rocket Launcher and a Classic set of Dragon Plastic Figures with Alpine Miniatures’ Heads – 50mm (1/35)

50 Chapter VI - Ammo Carrier 12 SS Panzer Division Hitlerjugend “HJ”
How to Paint WWII German Camouflage Uniforms in Detail - The “Italian Camouflage Pattern” – 120mm (1/16)                                                                                  

ISSN: 2732-6667
Suggested Retail Price 29.95 Euros
200 Photos (150 SBS)


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